Mitja Strunden Startup Innovation Capital Ventures
Mitja Strunden WHU Startup Innovation Capital

Mitja Strunden

General Manager

About Mitja

1.) Tell us something about your way to IdeaLab!

Hey there, I'm Mitja and I have the honor of filling the position of the General Manager this year. Before the Business Psychology degree program and my interest in start-ups brought me to Vallendar, I lived in a small town near Cologne. Organizing IdeaLab! 2023 was not only one of the most educational and exciting times of my studies, but it also allowed me to meet my best friends at WHU.
Look forward to IdeaLab! 2024 and together we will collaborate to innovate.

2.) What do you do in your free time?

In my free time, I develop my own personal development app. I also enjoy doing sports and going to the gym. But most of all I like to use my free time to organize IdeaLab! and think about how we can make the event even more breathtaking than it already is. It's not just an initiative, but a passion to make this event unforgettable.

3.) What is your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is the mole. I'm as colorblind as he is, so I'm very glad that my predecessors didn't go for the red-green color scheme at IdeaLab!

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Mitja Strunden

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