Sebastian Kloeppel WHU Startup Innovation Team
Sebastian Kloeppel WHU Startup Innovation Team

Sebastian Klöppel

Head of Fleet & Finance

About Sebastian

1.) Tell us something about your way to IdeaLab!

During the first weeks at WHU I had no Idea what initiative would be the best for me. My godparents told me I should try IdeaLab! and explained what IL! is about. Due to my past as a founder and my high interest in the startup scene I was instantly interested and wanted to join the team.


2.) What do you do in your free time?

I prefer to spend my free time with friends, working on projects or just chill. Currently we’re working on something new, which is taking most of the free time besides IdeaLab! and university.


3.) What is your favorite animal?

My favorite animal has to be a great white shark due to the fact that it is a feared hunter. The same way I am hunting for opportunities to create something new.

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Sebastian Klöppel

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